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A harvester that maximizes harvesting efficiency and preserves product quality

The global demand for high-quality fresh food is growing. However, growers have to deal with increasingly complex challenges such as the lack of labor, the increase in costs and the need to reduce environmental impact.

Ell-e is a harvester that combines state-of-the-art technology and practicality, providing growers with a complete solution that represent a true revolution for the sector.

"The innovation provided by Ell-e consists in the SC001 electrical vibrating system: a revolutionary component that guarantees impeccable cleanliness of the product removing even the smallest impurities in small-leaf crops. A true improvement for yields and product presentation," explains Francesco Roselli as he describes the harvester patented by Dari Ecomeccanica.

Ell-e does not just harvest produce, it optimizes the entire process. "A side conveyor delicately leads the products towards the bins, preserving their freshness and minimizing damage. The brushes remove any impurity and superfluous leaves for an aesthetically perfect result ready for the market."

"The feather in the cap of Ell-e is sorter SC001, a revolutionary technology that analyses every single piece, sorting only those that meet the highest quality standards. This system reduces waste to a minimum, guaranteeing that only the best of what as been harvested is placed into crates. A huge added value for growers."

Ell-e effectively reduces food waste, one of the biggest challenges of modern agriculture. The combined conveyor, brushes and SC001 sorter enables the harvesting of each piece with precision, avoiding losses and maximizing yields. It is a concrete advantage for growers, which translates into an increase in profit and reduced operating costs.

"Thanks to the synergy of components, products are automatically placed in bins at an impressive speed. This does not just make harvesting faster, but also ensures that each bin contains products of a uniform quality, essential to preserve and transport the produce to the market."

Ell-e is not just a harvester, it is an investment for the future. It combines advanced technology and practicality, maximizing efficiency and quality in harvesting. The entrepreneurs who have chosen it are certain of it.

Terre Verdi, for example, reports being "very pleased with our purchase. The machine helps us increase the quality standard of our baby leaf products, selecting the most homogeneous leaves and discarding all those with a smaller size. Quality is everything in our sector and this machine contributes to reaching high quality standards."

Oro Verde, again from the Sele plain, reports that "the machine boasts high performances, with a particular harvesting system that makes it stand out from the others and featuring a conveyor belt that helps operators easily step back in case of very wet soil. It is easy to direct and boasts good technology and innovation. It is also very stable and compact."

Visit the company YouTube page: Dari Ecomeccanica

Photos provided by Dari Ecomeccanica Srl

For more information:
Dari Ecomeccanica Srl
SS 18 Km 77 -Viale Corno D'Oro
84025 Eboli (SA) – Italy
+39 0828 301068
[email protected]

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