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Società Agriconetto

Red onions from Acquaviva: first bulbs already available

The harvesting of red onions from Acquaviva delle Fonti has started early and feedback is promising.

"There is almost no waste and the average weight is 700g. The season is looking satisfactory from both the productive and commercial front. We have been harvesting around 10 tons/day since June 17 compared with the 3.5-4 tons of last year, when fungi caused a considerable drop in yields," explains Giammarco Lionetti from Agriconetto.

Cardboard crate: Acquaviva red onions weighing 400 g,

Red onions from Acquaviva delle Fonti are well-known for their organoleptic and nutritional qualities including sweetness, a flat shape and high flavonoid, vitamin B and C content. They can weigh up to 1.2 kg.

The first supplies have reached wholesale markets in northern Italy such as Verona, Turin, Milan and Padua. "We are about to start shipping the produce abroad, especially to Germany and Finland. We are currently shipping 20 pallets a day containing 130 crates each. Considering the lively demand, we are increasing harvesting operations. With this rhythm, the produce will probably finish already by the end of August. Our automatic harvester helps us hasten uprooting operations and therefore process larger quantities. We are trying to keep up with demand. As for the sales prices, they are 5% higher than last season, which is useful to pay for the higher water costs we have had to face due to the drought."

For more information:
Agriconetto Srl
Sede operativa - Sp 127 km1
70021 Acquaviva delle Fonti (BA)
+39 389 8286512
+39 333 6100998