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South Africa Citrus Semi-annual

Orange, grapefruit, and lemon exports for MY 2023/24 are revised downwards

Record orange juice prices are expected to escalate orange juice production as growers increase deliveries for processing. Growers are diverting oranges from the export market and local sales towards processing on favorable prices. Good rainfall in the Spring of 2023 ensured sufficient rain for irrigation across all citrus producing regions. Production of all citrus types is expected to improve in both volumes and quality in MY 2023/24. However, the Northern production regions experienced some dry conditions during the growth period which led to smaller sized fruit, reducing the percentage of fruit that meets export specifications. Orange, grapefruit, and lemon exports for MY 2023/24 are revised downwards on smaller fruit size and diversion to local processing

The total area planted to citrus in South Arica declined slightly by 0.3 percent to 95,980 ha in MY 2022/23 from 96,277 in MY 2021/22. This decline follows a period of rapid growth in the citrus industry that has led to concerns of oversupply, given the limitations in processing and exporting opportunities. In addition, industry faced several challenges such as logistical challenges, rising input costs, erratic electricity supply and phytosanitary requirements particularly in the EU market. Citrus in South Africa is mainly produced in Limpopo, Eastern Cape, Western Cape and Mpumalanga provinces.

The Western Cape and Eastern Cape have a cooler climate, which is well suited for the production of the navel oranges, lemons and easy peelers such as Clementines and Satsumas. The Mpumalanga, Limpopo and KwaZuluNatal provinces have a warmer climate, which is better suited to the cultivation of grapefruit and Valencia oranges.

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