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New potato seed boosts hopes for farmers in Duhok, Iraq

In the Nafke plains of Duhok, a new variety of imported potato seed, known as Spectra, is under cultivation, aiming to enhance the region's potato production for the Iraqi market and potentially for export. Spectra, characterized by its regular tuber shape, attractive yellow skin, and preferred taste, has been in trial for four years, according to local farmer Bayiz Zebari. The variety, which commands a higher price point, is produced by a Netherlands-based company that exports to 80 countries, including several in the Middle East.

To meet the demands of the harvest, Zebari has employed 160 seasonal workers for potato collection, with the produce primarily destined for central and southern Iraq. Ahmad Anbari, an Iraqi businessman, highlighted the significant demand for potatoes in the Iraqi market, noting his daily transportation of six to seven truckloads from the farm. The Duhok Agriculture Department anticipates a yield of 500,000 tons of potatoes this year, despite some losses due to exceptional rainfall.

Improvements in storage facilities have led to reduced waste, with losses halved from eight to four tons. Furthermore, the Kurdistan Regional Government has been promoting exports, with the UAE importing 300 tons last August and requesting an additional 3,000 tons, partly to supply restaurants such as McDonald's. This initiative underscores the potential for Spectra potatoes to reach both regional and international markets.


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