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In the Mykolaiv region, Ukraine begins harvesting early watermelons

Agricultural holding company PAEK in Mykolaiv, Ukraine, has started harvesting early watermelons, thanks to the construction of greenhouses and the use of mulch film in their fields.

In March, PAEK sowed watermelon seeds, aiming for a late June harvest. They built greenhouses, prepared the soil, and planted seedlings under mulch film. On June 26, 2024, they successfully harvested and began selling their watermelons.

The greenhouse project began in 2023, and by 2024, PAEK had grown radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, and their seedlings. The watermelon seedlings were transplanted in April into open ground with drip irrigation.

"This technology enabled us to grow early watermelons," the company noted. The favourable southern climate, with a warm and sunny spring, also contributed to their success.


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