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Affecting essential crops such as tomatoes, corn and more

Egypt faces fertilizer shortage due to natural gas supply issues

In Egypt, the suspension of multiple fertilizer plants has occurred due to a redirection of natural gas supplies towards power generation, in response to increased demand from higher temperatures. Abdel-Rahman, in remarks to the media, highlighted that the scarcity of subsidized fertilizers for farmers predates the halting of fertilizer production.

The situation is exacerbated by escalating market prices for fertilizers, affecting the cultivation of essential crops such as tomatoes, yellow corn, grains, and rice. Additionally, there has been a delay in the distribution of subsidized fertilizers by the government, with the cost of unsubsidized fertilizers surging in the free market. Abdel-Rahman has urged the Ministry of Agricultural and Land Reclamation to promptly distribute subsidized fertilizers and called for swift governmental intervention to address the fertilizer production dilemma, suggesting a pivot towards renewable energy sources like solar and wind.


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