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German ambassador celebrates North Indian mangoes coming to Europe

German Ambassador Philipp Ackermann recently marked the entry of North Indian mangoes into European markets, highlighting a move towards diversifying mango imports in Europe. Ackermann, a self-proclaimed mango enthusiast, pointed out the dominance of Brazilian and West African mangoes in European retail, advocating for the inclusion of South Asian, particularly Indian, varieties. "I'm very excited because everybody knows how much I like mangoes," Ackermann stated, emphasizing the introduction of several North Indian mango varieties to Belgium as a positive development for European consumers.

The initiative, a collaborative effort with India's Ministry of Agriculture, seeks to create a sustainable export framework for Indian agricultural products to Germany and beyond. Ackermann sees this as a gateway to enhanced economic relations and agricultural cooperation between India and European nations. With the current market heavily reliant on mango imports from Brazil and West Africa, the ambassador stressed the need for high-quality Indian mangoes in Europe, noting Germany's cultural receptiveness to Indian cuisine.

"This project with the Ministry of Agriculture highlights the vast potential India offers to the European market," Ackermann remarked, envisioning a future of robust agricultural partnerships and expanded trade avenues between India and Germany.


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