The Galkia® campaign is now underway. This Galia melon, developed with BASF|Nunhems® genetics and with the traditional flavour and aroma of the fruit grown by Fruca, Gregal and Jimbofresh, is returning to European and Spanish shelves and is already managing to boost the consumption of this type of melon.
"The Galkia project is successfully achieving its goal, which is none other than boosting the consumption of Galia melon in Europe," says Juan Pedro Pérez, BASF's Regional Crop Lead for melon and watermelon. Their strategy is based on two fundamental points.
"On the one hand, we have a portfolio of varieties making it possible to serve all growing areas, offering a consistently high degree of quality and flavour. On the other, we have a group of expert growers committed to excellence who are able to offer the highest possible quality to the consumer by using the most advanced and sustainable techniques," he says.
"This commitment of Galkia growers, together with the varietal improvements of BASF|Nunhems, are making it possible to reverse the negative trend in the consumption of Galia melon in Europe, meeting the requirements of consumers, who are increasingly more demanding, especially in terms of flavour," says Pérez.
"In Spain too, a market where this type of melon has traditionally not been marketed, Galkia is managing to gain ground and build a reputation," he says.
The result of collaboration
The Galia market has evolved in such a way since the arrival of Galkia that, in fact, "the group's growers, Fruca, Gregal S.Coop. and Jimbofresh, are planning to continue expanding in terms of acreage in the coming years. Therefore, prospects are very promising. "Growers are committed to the product, supermarkets are asking for it and consumers are enjoying it and coming back for more," says Pérez.
For more information:Elvira Vitores