"This week marks the real launch of the plum season," explains Alexandre Cancel of Vergers Cancel, one of France's leading plum marketers. "The African Rose, a club variety from the Lily Ploom brand, opened the season two weeks ago. It is a trial variety that meets our expectations and is now in the development phase. Then, we harvested the first volumes of Obil Naya red plums last week, but it is only now that production is becoming more significant, so we also have more clients."
The season started early, 6 days earlier than last year, and the market has been "responding rather well. We can feel that there is a lot of enthusiasm for French plums. All our clients are receptive, and prices are quite satisfactory. The plums also meet our clients' specifications in terms of sugar content and appearance, and the current weather conditions are conducive to good fruit development. There is a little less acidity than usual, which has been well received in general. It is still premature to know how the season will unfold, if the demand will hold up, and how prices will evolve, but for the moment, the campaign looks promising."
For more information:
Alexandre Cancel
Vergers Cancel
1 rue de l'Occitanie
ZA Barres 82100 Castelsarrasin
Phone: 05 63 04 82 13