"The value of seeded grapes has recovered due to a series of factors: lower invested crops, a 20% drop in yields - especially for seedless grapes - compared to a normal season, and the general increase in quality thanks to the professionalism of growers, who seem to be managing to keep the demand for traditional grapes high," reports entrepreneur Donato Fanelli from Conversano (Bari).
Left: Victoria grapes. Right: Red Globe.
In the parts of Puglia highly specialized in grape cultivation, various hectares of seeded grapes have been uprooted over the past few years. "For example, in the Taranto province alone, more than 60% of traditional vineyards were recently uprooted and replaced with seedless grapes. Of course the effect has been evident right from the start of the new year. The economy has always taught us that, if supply drops, demand will grow and so will the prices, which are currently €0.20/kg higher than one year ago despite the early arrival of the produce on the market, which is therefore being sold at the same time as the Sicilian one. There are traders who have purchased Victoria, Italia, Palieri, Red Globe grapes and other cultivars already in April, which had not happened in quite some time. There are also those who decided to remove underdeveloped grapes by hand so as to make sure to get the batches that are very hard to find."
We must point out that, in 2024, Victoria early grapes was introduced into the basket of consumer goods, which is updated annually by Istat to calculate inflation, thus becoming part of the current 1,915 goods and services considered of basic importance. "Those who prefer eating grapes with seeds will continue to purchase them in the future as well. It will be difficult to eradicate the habits of these consumers, as they do not go against the tide, they simply prefer another product. There could be higher returns for those companies who decided to maintain some traditional varieties."
For more information:
Viva Frutta
Via Archimede 21,
70018 Rutigliano (Bari)
(+39) 080 21 45 158
Donato Fanelli - sales manager
(+39) 388 4783509