Eight years ago, Irish housewife Maria Flynn at Ballymakenny Farm Heritage Potatoes had just started growing heritage potatoes. Back then, she had just one variety, Violetta. She saw it as a bit of hobby. Fast-forward to 2024: Maria now grows eight different varieties of heritage potatoes and is now looking forward to exporting for the first time.
"We grow 20 different varieties on 20 acres. My husband grows the standard varieties while I grow the heritage ones. In the last few years, I've gone from doing this as a hobby to winning awards and being on TV with celebrity chefs! It was all going well until Covid hit and wiped out 100% of my market. During that time, we opened a drive through - 'Spud Shack' - to stay in business, which we are now looking to develop into a speciality tearoom and farm shop."
Another heritage variety in Maria's range is the Pink Fir Apple potato, which originated in France and was brought to Ireland in the 1800s.
"When you have varieties this old it is difficult to prove the history, but I can vouch for the taste. It is a fingerling potato with a very nutty flavour, it has been a big hit with the chefs in Ireland.
"We are happy with our Irish market, which now has its own momentum. This year we are moving the business on as we have found a means to supply the UK market. We entered a collaboration with Patch Potatoes (McCreight Potatoes) who also specialise in heritage potatoes. Our varieties will be available on Patch Potatoes' website to sell throughout the UK using an established network of couriers. Home growers can buy their seed potatoes from their website to grow themselves."
Maria is looking forward to establishing a relationship with McCreight Potatoes sourcing seed and finding other interesting varieties to grow.
"We are really happy to be able to expand the business, this year will be a soft launch into the UK as it has always been our plan to grow the business slowly, and we really look forward to working with chefs in London and beyond."
For more information:
Maria Flynn
Ballymakenny Heritage Potatoes
Tel +353 863767334
Email: mariaflynn70@gmail.com