While the global almond production is expected to increase in 2024, yields in Italy are dropping due to the weather and the phytosanitary problems that affected cultivation areas.
"We are expecting a 25% drop with respect to the previous campaign, despite the fact that the campaign will be early as the current phenological state is rather advanced. Fruits are ripening: hulls will start their dehiscence in early August, leading to the drying of the fruits, so harvesting could start mid-August for early varieties such as Tuono and early September for late cultivars. Last year's early defoliation due to red spider mite attacks and a lower bud differentiation are among the main factors of the lower production in 2024," reports Pasquale Campobasso, owner of Aziende Campobasso, a historic company from Puglia that has been dealing with the production, sorting and processing of almonds since the early 20th century.
"Quotations are rather interesting at the moment despite a 20% increase in produce expected compared with 2023, especially in California and Australia. The weather has been favorable everywhere during dormancy, blossoming and growing: rainy but with very little frost."
Thanks to dozens of suppliers located mainly in Bari, Taranto and Matera, Aziende Campobasso processes 3 thousand tons of shelled produce on average, which is then shipped to different sales channels: the confectionery industry, pastry shops and big retail chains. "We are expecting prices to drop slightly in September, but we want to reassure local producers that Italian almonds continue to be the most appreciated especially by pastry shops thanks to the unique organoleptic qualities of the fruits."
For more information:
Aziende Campobasso Srl
Via Casamassima, 58
70010 Valenzano (Bari)
+39 080 467 36 72