Over the past two decades, numerous Serbian companies have adapted their machinery to the latest standards. Family business Flora, based in Ivanjica, has also invested in a hot processing plant and a complete processing plant for raspberries and blackberries, including a laser sorter, a raspberry extraction system, packaging and labelling technology, as well as a complete barcode tracking system for each individual fruit grower. In the course of the new installation, Mladomir Jovanovic, the brother of the founder and owner of Flora, Slobodan, dedicated himself to process optimisation and further automation of the processing company. From this basis, independent company Fruitech was founded in 2016. Through this company, Mladomir provides advice and support to processors of stone and soft fruit throughout the whole of Serbia.
Complete systems and partial solutions, i.e. modernisation solutions (IT-controlled and supported processes) in fruit and berry processing, are supplied and handed over as turnkey solutions. A complete training programme takes place afterwards. "Around 90 per cent of Serbian berry processors work with me these days," says Mladomir Jovanovic. Fruitech has also built up a good reputation in stone fruit processing. "Two years ago, we installed a complete solution for washing, de-stemming, calibrating, laser sorting, pitting, shock freezing and packing tart cherries. These are just the seven most important processes, but in total there are around 30 smaller steps that can be carried out via this system. However, there are also projects that involve some 80 different steps. Many people who have seen this project in the tart cherry sector, now want a similar system."
Slobodan, Biljana and Mladomir Jovanovic. Mladomir (right) is responsible for the company's machinery.
Market-orientated, flawless fruit processing is the top priority these days, continues Jovanovic. "We are using automation to combat the increasing labour shortage. Our customers are primarily active in frozen fruit processing, although we also install individual modules or partial solutions for the fresh fruit sector. However, it's not just about installing and maintaining turnkey partial and complete solutions, but also about staff training."
The young company is now also looking beyond Serbia's borders. "We have now acquired our first customers in neighbouring countries, including Poland, Croatia and Bosnia. We now want to continue this international expansion course and are looking for a reliable partner in the EU so that we can open up further markets for ourselves in the future. We are also likely to take part in Anuga FoodTec 2026."
For more information:
Mladomir Jovanovic
Fruitech d.o.o.
13. Septembra bb
32250 Ivanjica, Srbija
Tel: +381-32-640022
Anneliese Vollweiler
Anevo Trading GmbH
D-91058 Erlangen
Tel. +49-170-589 7170