In keeping with the season, the Frankfurt Fresh Produce Centre is currently offering mainly locally grown herbs and vegetables. "In winter, we source the majority of our herbs from Spain and Italy, as there is very little German-grown produce available from December at the latest. From March-April, the regional range gradually increases again. This year there was a smooth seasonal transition and there were no gaps in supply in either winter or summer," reports the Özdemir company's stand manager.
German bok choy and chives at the Özdemir stand.
While some fruit prices have risen to record levels in recent months, the price increases in the herbs and field vegetables category have been limited, the company continues. "In the fruit segment, we are noticing that some customers are deliberately avoiding certain items, which is not only due to the sharp price increases, but also the cold and wet weather. In vegetables, we are feeling the effects of the weather less in sales." Due to inflation, prices are up to 30 per cent higher than the long-term average.
Özdemir's stand in the central market hall of the Frankfurt Fresh Produce Centre.
The wholesale company Özdemir mainly counts caterers, supermarkets and weekly market traders among its customers. Vegetables and herbs account for around 70 per cent of total sales. In addition to various cut herbs, bok choy is now also an integral part of the year-round product range. "Similar to our herbs, we mainly source bok choy from Italy in winter and from regional cultivation in summer. The originally Asian leafy vegetable continues to enjoy increasing popularity, although in my opinion the hype is no longer as pronounced as it was a few years ago," concludes the company.
For more information:
Özdemir Obst und Gemüse
Frischezentrum Frankfurt
Tel: 069-43058279