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The point of view of Freddi Prodotti Ortofrutticoli

Sales of borettana onions are starting

Matteo Freddi, an operator from the onion sector, reports that, when it comes to borettana onions, "grades are excellent, yields are abundant, but there were a few problems in the fields caused by the high temperatures."

"Sizes are good, which is very important as both wholesale markets and the big retail chains are requesting big grades. The high temperatures are however causing scalding, so there is some waste."

Harvesting will continue for another 10 days. The produce is stored in units and will be available until mid-April. "Prices are slightly higher than 2023, but they definitely do not cover the costs and waste percentages we are registering. Costs along the chain have been growing for years, while sale prices have remained the same over the past 15 years."

There are currently two formats available: 500 gram nets and 5 kg bags. "We will then start with the processed produce in September with 300 gram peeled onion trays. Before then, however, we will only commercialize traditional formats."

As for the other types of onions, Freddi reports that golden and white onions are currently being harvested in the most traditional parts of Emilia. "Golden onions will start coming in over the next few days, and we are hoping they will look good so as to have a good start of the campaign."

For more information:
Freddi Prodotti Ortofrutticoli S.n.c.
Via Lama, 41
Calerno di S. Ilario d'Enza (RE)
+39 0522 679831