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Pietro Paolo Ciardiello of Coop Sole sees the potential for growth in the organic blueberry sector

Strawberry campaign in southern Italy delivers excellent results

"If I had to give a verdict on this year's strawberry campaign, which ended in mid-June, I would say it was extremely positive. Compared to a campaign that was perfect from both a commercial and production point of view, like last year's, this year's was better from a commercial point of view." These were the first words of the director of Coop Sole di Parete (Caserta), Pietro Paolo Ciardiello.

"Despite the fact that we produced much less than in the previous campaign, about 15 per cent less, the market has recognised a higher value for us, thus making up for the lack of value in terms of quantity. We are also very pleased with the growth of our premium line under the SìBon brand. Volumes have increased this year, the market is demanding more of this line, and it has become more popular and accepted by all consumers."

"Although we are satisfied with the commercial result, there is no denying that this year's strawberry campaign was very difficult. The weather conditions penalised us both in the autumn planting period and in the spring growing period, when temperatures were too high compared to the average for the period and to the plants' needs, reducing yields. It was also a rather short campaign, which ended in mid-June, because the high temperatures did not allow adequate storage of the product. Another problem that the strawberry chain cannot ignore is the physiological decline of the work force, which is becoming more pronounced each passing year."

Meanwhile, the melon, summer fruit, summer vegetable and small fruit campaigns are underway at Coop Sole.

On this last point, Ciardiello concludes: "This year's small fruit campaign has been positive so far. Raspberries are attracting more interest than in the past. If in previous years this reference was rejected by the markets, now we are seeing an increase in sales and the market is satisfactory. Compared to the previous campaign, when there was a seasonal decline in production and market, the blueberry campaign is positive overall. There is still a lot of potential for growth in blueberries, especially in the organic sector, and the same can be said for raspberries."

For more information:
Cooperativa Sole
Via della Repubblica n. 70
81030 Parete (CE)
Tel.: +39 081 5036887
Email: [email protected]

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