With a yield of one hectare of potatoes harvested every two and a half hours (compared to an average of six hours for traditional methods), the innovation implemented by Pizzoli and Terremerse aims to improve harvesting efficiency and lower the costs of industrial potato production. Terremerse organized a technical meeting dedicated to the harvesting of industrial potatoes, showcasing a continuous harvesting and unloading system that ensures the process never stops.
Click here for the photo album.Potato harvesting with machine operating on two bins.
During this event, the Pizzoli operation was demonstrated. Pizzoli is Terremerse's commercial partner for this product within the Potato Programme. The event took place on July 25, 2024, in San Pancrazio (Ravenna) at the Bertaccini - Conficconi farm.
Click here for the photo album.
A first control by the operators.
"As a cooperative, we aim to increase the hectares of potatoes designated for processing," said Bastoni, Terremerse's fruit and vegetable sector manager, "and we can offer three-year contracts with a guaranteed price, thanks to our agreement with a large group like Pizzoli, which collects the product. This allows farmers to plan ahead, especially since we can reduce the cost of certain inputs, such as seed."
Click here for the photo album.
Transfer from harvesting machine to trailer-shuttle with truck, without stopping harvesting.
In San Pancrazio di Ravenna, attendees observed a continuously operating site. "In practice," explained Sergio Barbieri, Pizzoli's purchasing manager, "the machine that extracts the potatoes from the ground fills its hopper. When the hopper is full, the tubers are transferred to a trailer that shuttles them to a truck at the edge of the field, all without stopping the harvest. This method allows one hectare of potatoes to be harvested in two and a half hours under normal soil conditions."
Click here for the photo album.
Transferring tubers to the truck.
Guido Bertaccini, owner of the farm, shared that "this year I sowed 10 hectares of industrial potatoes. The yield is expected to be between 50 and 60 tonnes per hectare."
Click here for the photo album.
Ilenio Bastoni (Terremerse) and Sergio Barbieri (Pizzoli).
Barbieri noted that "the industrial potato campaign is going well. It usually starts in mid-June and ends in mid-September. We are currently at about 50 percent of the harvested areas. The technologies used in this continuous operation are quite common in Northern Europe, while in Italy, they are just beginning to emerge. Improving yield and reducing harvesting time translates into lower costs."
For more information:
Terremerse Cooperative
Via Cà del Vento, 21
48012 Bagnacavallo (Ravenna)
+39 0545 68111
Pizzoli S.p.A.
via Zenzalino Nord 1,
40054 Budrio (Bo)