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Ferme des Arches launches "Les Paysans de l'Arche" in supermarkets in September

New brand to highlight two French production regions

The 53 men and women farmers of Ferme des Arches are launching their new brand: "Les Paysans de l'Arche." The organization of producers specializes in garlic, onion and shallot condiments, 100% home-grown and 100% of French origin, produced in the Beauce and Drôme departments. The new brand will be launched in September 2024 in supermarkets throughout France. At the same time, the organization will launch a new product: the Drôme garlic PGI.

Harvesting shallots in the Petite Beauce region / © Ferme des Arches

"A brand dedicated exclusively to marketing our own harvests"
"The desire to highlight our two production regions and our daily work was the driving force behind the creation of this new brand, which aims to reflect exactly who we are as farmers. We grow the condiments we market ourselves, thanks to our integrated sales team." The organization decided to launch its own brand, "exclusively dedicated to the marketing of its own harvests, 100% of French origin." The aim is to demonstrate the uniqueness of the production and to provide transparency, "unlike many marketers who only produce a small proportion of the volumes they sell as their own."

The 5 to 9% of volumes marketed that come from partners outside the organization (from France or imported) are "necessary to meet our commercial commitments throughout the year and avoid shortages off-season." These will now be marketed under the brand "Produits d'Ailleurs".

Ferme des Arches has 500 hectares of open field crops and an annual production capacity of 20,700 tons of condiments, including 800 tons of organic produce. The condiments grown include yellow, red, saucier, sweet and Orion onions; white and violet garlic, shallots, echalion / © Ferme des Arches - 'Les Paysans de l'Arche' Supreme Range

Ferme des Arches in the Beauce and Drôme departments
Best known for its allium production in the Beauce region, Ferme des Arches has also been present in the Drôme department for 6 years now, via its Arche Drômoise structure. "It is time to highlight our roots in our two production regions and to assert our daily involvement there. Ferme des Arches was created in 1989 by a group of 4 Beauce producers. Over the years, 41 Beauce producers have joined this collective approach. In 2010, a group of 8 garlic growers from the Drôme region joined the group, based on human affinities and the complementary nature of their crops. The organization now includes 53 farmers.

New product: Drôme garlic PGI
Together with the launch of its new brand, and as part of the same approach to promote the work carried out in the two regions, the Drôme producers' garlic, grown mainly on small plots around the hilltop village of Chabrillan, now has its own PGI.

For more information:
Dominique Viel
Ferme des Arches
Phone: 02 37 32 10 10