"There is currently an excellent supply of hand oranges, both from South Africa and South America, from both origins with nice prices. In contrast, the supply of pressed oranges is a bit more difficult. In this market, we see little supply and very high prices," says Tom Leenheer of Van Ooijen Citrus.
"For regular oranges, we expect the market to continue at the same level. For juice oranges, however, it's a case of looking at the bigger picture. We are already seeing high prices passing by and these might rise further in the coming weeks," Tom says. "We traditionally started with our Salustianas from Uruguay, and this is always a very nice product. Both domestic and our Belgian and French customers really appreciate them. Following that, in the coming weeks we will be carrying Midknights and Valencia from Uruguay, which we are fine to work with."
"As for mandarins, we are in full swing with Tango's and Nadorcott's from South Africa and Orri mandarins from Peru. Here, too, we are seeing great prices. In addition, traditionally, we also have Minneolas from both Peru and South Africa," the importer continued. "Despite the hot weather at the moment, demand is good and both hand and press oranges and mandarins are doing well."
"The lemon market is very tough at the moment. There is little supply from both South Africa and South America. They have faced very bad weather in both regions during the peak harvest and, as a result, volumes are drastically lower than normal. Prices in the market are good at the moment, but this is purely because of the small supply there is at the moment," Tom observes. "Fortunately, we haven't had any logistical struggles so far, knock on wood."
For more information:
Tom Leenheer
Van Ooijen Citrus BV
Tel: +31 180 6555 55