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Paul Davidson, Commercial Director of Sol Ogánica, Nicaragua

Push for ROC-certified organic products

In a global market where sustainability and health are at the heart of consumer choices, the Regenerative Organic Certified® (ROC™) certification is redefining the way tropical fruits are grown and exported. Paul Davidson, commercial director of Sol Orgánica, talked about how this certification is revolutionizing the production and export of dehydrated fruits, purees, juices and frozen cubes from Latin America to the US, Europe and other destinations.

Sol Orgánica, which stands out for its commitment to quality and sustainability, has managed to position itself in the export of products such as dehydrated and frozen pitahaya, banana, coconut, passion fruit and mango, conquering demanding markets thanks to its high standards and responsible agricultural practices.

According to Davidson, the company's success is due, in large part, to its focus on maintaining rigorous standards, from farm certification to the fruit dehydration and freezing process. "We work closely with our growers to ensure that they meet the organic, fair trade, regenerative organic and quality certifications required by our customers in Europe and the United States," says Davidson.

This certification not only guarantees that the products are organic, but also ensures that practices to regenerate the soil, promote biodiversity and respect the welfare of workers and producers are followed. "Every fruit we grow under this standard contributes to a healthier ecosystem and stronger farming communities," says Davidson, stressing the importance of these practices for the future of sustainable agriculture.

The harvest season plays a crucial role in production and export planning. Davidson says that the weather conditions in growing regions, particularly in Central America, can present challenges, but also opportunities for cultivation techniques to be adjusted and crop resilience to be improved.

The European market is showing a growing interest in dried and frozen fruits, especially on pitahaya and passion fruit; products that have gained popularity thanks to their unique nutritional properties, colour and taste. Sol Orgánica has capitalized on this trend, increasing its exports to markets such as Germany, Spain and the UK.

Still, the United States remains one of the main export destinations, with a stable demand for pitahaya, coconut, banana and mango, both dehydrated and in puree, juice and frozen cubes. Davidson says that, despite the competition, Sol Orgánica has managed to differentiate itself thanks to its focus on sustainability and traceability, which are highly appreciated by North American consumers.

Given the steady increase in both production and export volumes, Sol Orgánica is looking to the future with optimism. "We anticipate growth in the demand for our products, especially in emerging markets within Europe and Asia," says Davidson. The company plans to increase its production volumes in the coming years to be able to maintain its market leadership position, relying on advanced technology and innovative farming practices.

Sol Orgánica is showing that it is possible to combine profitability with sustainability through a ROC certification. In a world where consumers are increasingly informed and concerned about the origin of their food, this Latin American company is positioning itself as a leader in the production of high quality dehydrated and frozen fruits.

For more information:
Paul Davidson
Sol Orgánica
San Marcos, Carazo, Nicaragua
Tel.: +(505) 8851.3488
[email protected]

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