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"It's a versatile, healthy vegetable that's a staple in kitchens worldwide, perfect for all kinds of dishes"

Could potatoes win gold in Olympic Cuisine?

The CNIPT asked a compelling question: "What will French home-cooked meals look like during the Olympic Games?" To find the answer, they enlisted the help of the Opinion Way polling institute, which delivered its findings just before the sporting events kicked off.

The Potato: The Olympic champion of the dinner table
The survey revealed that the potato is set to be the star of Olympic meals, thanks to its universal appeal and incredible versatility. It's a staple vegetable that's both healthy and adaptable to a wide range of cuisines and dishes. According to sociologist Ronan Chastellier, "The potato will take center stage during the festivities. The Olympic Games are not just a celebration of athletic achievement, but also an opportunity to bring cultures together and share convivial moments over meals that combine natural ingredients, health, and indulgence."

In what forms will the potato will be consumed? According to the survey, 33% of French people favoured the classic burger with homemade fries, 29% preferred potato salad, 12% opted for potatoes with a shareable sauce, and 9% chose steamed potatoes.

Barbecues lead the way
The Opinion Way survey also found that 50% of young people (54% of 18-24-year-olds and 40% of 25-34-year-olds) view the Olympics as a festive occasion to gather with friends. "The 18-34 age group is eager to use the Olympic Games as an excuse to celebrate and come together. In a country where meals remain a key source of social connection, the link between cooking and watching the events will be a natural one. Starting July 26th, France will be immersed in Olympic fever, and cooking-themed meals will be a way to engage with the Games," said Chastellier. "Eating Olympic-themed food will be like participating in the sport itself!"

As for the types of meals planned during the two weeks of sporting events, barbecues were the top choice (37%), followed closely by apƩritifs (36%), with brunches and dinners each garnering 13%.

When asked about the potential economic impact, the CNIPT has yet to quantify the benefits for the industry.

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