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Genís Bordes, manager of Fruïm:

"This year there will be a 20% drop in the production of Cuello de Dama figs in Lleida"

The harvest of black Cuello de Dama figs started recently in the Spanish municipality of Alguaire, in the province of Lleida. The production has reached just around 80% of its potential due to the impact of frosts at the end of April, and there's also a predominance of fruit of medium and small sizes.

"We started last week with the first boxes of Cuello de Dama figs from Lleida, which have been well received in the market, as it is a seasonal product that consumers are eagerly anticipating," says Fruïm's Manager Genís Bordes.

"The season has had a slow start in terms of production, and the supply is still limited, but from week 35 onwards, volumes will start to increase," says the grower and marketer. "The sizes of the first batches are good, as usual, but from the middle of the season, around 50% of the crop is expected to be of sizes between 63 and 56."

Fruïm works with around 70 hectares of fig crops in Lleida, counting both their own production and that of associated growers. It also has some production in Alicante. "The Lleida season runs from mid-August to mid-November, but if we have production in Alicante, we can start as early as May," says Genís.

"In recent years, we have been growing in terms of acreage, working in different production areas, and have become an important player in the fig market. We have been one of the first companies to install a state-of-the-art grading machine specifically for figs," he says.

Figs, together with pomegranate and cherries, are Fruïm's main products. The company also produces stone fruit and vegetables. The figs are sold to supermarkets in Spain, as well as in countries like Italy, France, Switzerland, the United Kingdom or Germany.

"In the domestic market, our production will share the shelves for a few more days with the Colar figs from Alicante, while in the export market we are competing strongly with Bursa figs from Turkey, especially in France, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Germany. Those are cheaper figs because of their low labour costs," says Genís.

Although most of the fig production is intended for the fresh market, some is also frozen for the jam and confectionery industry, thus maximizing crop use.

For more information:
Genís Bordes Arnó
Lleida to Vall d'Aran road km. 16
25125 Alguaire
Lleida. Spain
M: +34 698 65 03 32
T: +34 973 75 61 68
[email protected]

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