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Michigan apple maturity update

In the Grand Rapids, Michigan, area, cooler temperatures are expected this week, with nighttime lows in the 50s and 60s. This will help fruit color up. Daytime temperatures will increase this weekend, with high temperatures predicted at 88 degrees Fahrenheit.

Crop update
Apple harvest is well underway. Wildfire Galas and Premier Honeycrisp were largely harvested across the region this past week. Keep an eye out for other Honeycrisp sports, like Royal Red this week. Galas and early Fujis are also coming up on their harvest windows.

This is a difficult harvest season to balance between harvest metrics and visual quality with reddening. Stop-drop materials, reflective ground covers and summer pruning are being used effectively throughout the region to encourage colour. Please keep in mind that waiting to harvest can impact the long-term storage and quality of the crop. Maintaining fruit quality and long-term integrity is crucial this year.

Some of these varieties coming into maturity are even exceeding the early predicted harvest dates by MSU this year. Frequent proactive sampling will be needed to stay on top of harvest. Please let me know if there are other varieties you would like me to sample.

Auvil Early Fuji
This variety was sampled at one location in Kent County this week. These apples are nearing maturity in the next two weeks. Auvil Early Fujis and September Wonder Fujis will be a target for harvest in the next week.

This variety was sampled at one location in Kent County this week. The later season Fujis are still a few weeks away from maturity.

This variety was sampled across four locations in Kent County this week. While Wildfire Galas have been harvested across the region, other Galas are moving into their harvest window as well. They taste excellent. Keep an eye on Galas in the next week. The firmness is still too high for optimal maturity, but the starch index is in line with maturity and sugars are developing well.

This variety was sampled across four locations in Kent County this week. Premier Honeycrisp have mostly been harvested in the area and Royal Red Honeycrisp will be mature this week. Note that the average firmness is in line with CA storage recommendations and the starch index is mature. These apples taste excellent and the sugars are developing well.


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