Although the Dutch pepper market has been satisfactory in recent weeks, the clock prices of red peppers, in particular, showed a sharp drop. "That came quite unexpectedly, as production levels are not even very high, yet the prices of red peppers fell to around 75 euro cents, marking a sudden decline," observes ZON's Manager of Sales, Wouter Willems.
"The price of yellow peppers also fell somewhat, though at around 1.50 euros, they are still holding relatively steady. The prices of orange and green peppers are currently at their highest levels, at 1.80 and 1.70 euros, respectively," Wouter noted. "But overall, for the summer period, we are not dissatisfied. After a production peak that caused prices to drop significantly, sales have certainly not been disappointing in recent weeks."
The Manager of Sales is also optimistic about the upcoming period. "There are quite a few campaigns planned in the coming weeks with major chains in Germany, among other countries. Soon, when everyone is back from holidays and production levels are not showing extreme peaks, I expect the market to be nicely balanced. It will take a few more weeks before Spain and other southern countries begin production." According to Wouter, the quality nationwide is not a concern. "There is some aphid pressure here and there, but that's not unusual compared to other years, although cultivation is becoming more challenging due to the tightening resource policies."
"As ZON, we have four colors of peppers for sale, both through our programs and at the clock. We can still move quite a bit of volume there. That too is a challenge, as the market is pretty competitive," Wouter continues. "Additionally, we've seen that sales of sweet-tip peppers have really taken off in Europe in recent years. I don't believe this will come at the expense of block peppers, but you do see growers increasingly focusing on this crop."
For more information:
Wouter WillemsZON
Venrayseweg 102
5928 RH Venlo
Tel: +31 (0)77 3239999