On 1 October, Marcel van der Pluijm will have been operating Feeling Fresh for five years. With the Covid pandemic six months after the start, the beginning could be called challenging, but the Dutch exporter to North America and Japan looks back on the first years with satisfaction. "I worked at two fantastic cooperatives before this, but if you look deep into my heart, operating with a small-scale team is still something that suits me better. There is a lot more on your plate that managing the team to finance and sales, but I really enjoy that combination!"
North America has been the focus market since inception. "That is also the market where my expertise has been since 1993, when I started at Minnaar Holland. I have always liked that trade the most and therefore I have no ambition to expand the sales countries. Peppers and aubergines make up the main bulk of our trade and we also supply a wide range of specialities around it for our customer base that includes wholesalers, retailers, food service, as well as grower organisations."
"It is no longer the volumes of the past that go to North America, but at the same time I am convinced that this branch will always exist. The Netherlands will always remain complementary to Canadian and Mexican productions, but the more extreme weather also offers opportunities again for Dutch fruit vegetable exports. This only increases our role as a gap filler in the North American market. Then there is another hurricane in Florida, then floods in California, making it increasingly difficult, especially for outdoor crops. We can respond well to this from the Netherlands."
According to the exporter - who has offices in De Lier - the current export season is going satisfactorily. "Because of the pandemic, we haven't experienced many 'normal' years yet, but I am convinced that we have only come out of it stronger and more creative. This year, sales are going a lot better than last year. Airfreight rates are back to pre-Covid levels. However, the exchange rate has weakened a bit due to interest and inflation, which many experts had not seen coming and which is slightly more disadvantageous for our exports."
Looking ahead to the next five years, Marcel stresses that he thinks it is important for colleagues to have fun at work. "Of course we have to make money, but it should also just be fun. I am proud of the team we now form. Ultimately, everything revolves around Passion for Produce: the passion for our beautiful profession will ensure that we enjoy doing our work every day. I give people a lot of freedom, including in working hours, but when it has to be done, we will all be there. I am not going to stop the growth of the company, but I do want to keep the small-scale character with the personal contact at all times."
For more information:
Marcel van der Pluijm
Feeling Fresh
+31 (0)6 53 37 28 91