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Fellini Patrizio

Low availability and growing prices for lettuce, fennel and courgettes

Weather conditions have turned the market around in just a matter of weeks, especially when it comes to lettuce, fennel and courgettes. "We are currently in a peculiar phase," explains Andrea Pignato, sales manager of the Fellini Patrizio company, "as market demand exceeds availability."

When it comes to lettuce, prices are very high and availability does not cover demand. "The weather is the main contributing factor to this nationwide lack of produce. The high temperatures and drought, interspersed at times by storms with wind and hail, have led to the current situation, and it does not seem things will change in the short term," echoes Luca Pollarini from the sales department.

Luca Pollarini and Andrea Pignato

Fellini is managing to keep its commitments thanks to planning. "For example, in June the owners decided to increase the number of lettuce plants grown on farm '67'. It was a calculated risk, and now we can see how they made the right call."

As for fennel, "the temperature range between day and night has not changed in Avezzano for some years now, and growing fennel in summer is becoming increasingly difficult. The average quality is not high and the only way to maintain good standards is through strict sorting and by working only with the most professional producers. Prices are rising in this segment too."

For courgettes, the paradox is that availability was very high in June and July, but prices very low: now demand is exceeding supply and prices are rising sharply.

"We are very pleased with how our Crunchy salad is doing. Big retail chains understood its characteristics, demand is increasing, and we have organised ourselves to produce it 12 months a year in Italy as well," conclude Pignato and Pollarini.

For more information:
Patrizio S.r.L.
Via G. Pascoli, 875
47035 Gambettola (FC) - Italy
+39 0547 659 777
[email protected]

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