Pan Agri is launching its new IRRIFARM DC solar-powered remote irrigation and fertigation management system, a practical and functional solution even for those with no access to power supplies in the countryside.
Irrifarm DC smartbox with 2 x 400 Watt panels
"The system has been designed for with no electricity in their crops. It works thanks to a modern 400 or 500 W photovoltaic panel, a 100 or 200 ampere battery and a charge regulator, thanks to which it is possible to plan irrigation times and volumes, dose nutrient solutions and monitor all the parameters in real time using the sensors installed in the field (such as PH, relative humidity, wind, daily evapotranspiration and outside temperature). The system is also able to manage humidification, cooling and frost control," explains CEO Bernardo Grieco. (In the side photo: 12volt agitator with 1000-litre tank).
It is therefore a set of components comprising12-volt agitators, 12-volt fertiliser dosing pumps, controllers, automatic filters, and sensors at different depths, operated using renewable energy sources and monitored via the Irrifarm app.
Soil moisture graph at 6 depth levels
"It is often time-consuming and costly to make a request for a meter on agricultural land with no buildings, even though electricity is essential for agronomic operations. Ours is an inexpensive system developed based on from needs, which are shared by many other farms, as it turns out. The photovoltaic panels produce electricity even on cloudy days, allowing the battery to remain charged at all times. For a few months now, the system has been assembled and fully functional n our experimental farm in Metaponto, on 12 hectares of land that are home to avocados and citrus fruits."
For more information:
Pan Agri Srl
Via degli artigiani, snc
75020 Scanzano Jonico (Matera)
+39 0835 952321
[email protected]