Natural Import has announced a partnership with a new lime brand, says the Portuguese produce trader's newest addition to the team, Audrik Victoria: "With this endeavour, we expect to offer premium quality limes that meet the needs of the current European market, where prices are low amid a wave of uncertain lime quality."
The new partnership has allowed Natural Import to ramp up the volumes, Victoria explains. "Last year, we imported only two containers each week. This year, we have increased our volume to five containers. In order to maintain a constant flow of carefully selected limes, using sustainable agricultural practices that ensure a residue-free, flavorful product while aiming to meet the demands of the most discerning consumers, we started this new partnership."
As the logistical side had to overcome some hurdles, a lot of the limes from Brazil arrived at European ports at the same time, Victoria states: "Unfortunately, due to bad weather conditions in August in Brazil, many of the ships containing limes at the port of Santos got stuck. This event resulted in all shipments arriving in Europe at the same time, oversaturating the market and pushing prices as low as €6.00 and €7.00 per box in September. We expect this situation to improve in October, with prices returning to the usual range of €9.00 to €10.00 per box."
Despite these challenges, Victoria is sure that their company will be able to have a successful season in the remaining months of the season. "Anticipating this recovery next month, we are cautiously optimistic that our partnership with this new brand will give us an edge in the market, with high-quality limes arriving at the right time in the season when prices rise again."
"We are also happy to announce that the Natural Import team will be attending as visitors at Fruit Attraction Madrid 2024 this October. Meet us there and learn more about our new partnerships!" Victoria concludes.
For more information:
Audrik Victoria
Natural Import
Tel: +351 932 732 983