The city of Medellin, Colombia, will host a new edition of Territorio Aguacate in November. Once again, this event will be the meeting point for all the players in the Hass avocado chain. "Territorio Aguacate has different scenarios and activities to generate and share the knowledge related to the production and marketing of Hass avocado," stated Katheryn Mejía, director of Corpohass.
"There will be an academic congress, which will last a day and a half, in which national and internationally renowned speakers will present and update information and innovations in Hass avocado."
"Territorio Aguacate will also have an exhibition area where the different players in the avocado chain (producers, exporters, transporters, suppliers of goods and services, and the logistics sector, among others) can network with visitors. This will allow all visitors and professionals who attend the event to find in one place a complete offer of connections to improve, strengthen, and grow their businesses."
"We are the only avocado fair in the world that has measured and offset its carbon footprint"
The 2023 Territorio Aguacate academic congress focused on environmental sustainability. This year's edition will focus on economic sustainability, the director of Corpohass stated. "This year, our innovation pavilion will host companies that work hard on important issues such as carbon footprint measurement. At Territorio Aguacate we are very proud to have been the only avocado fair in the world that measured and offset its carbon footprint with the same product."
Katheryn Mejía, director of Corpohass.
"Last year, we managed to offset the carbon footprint of the event with 19,000 carbon credits issued by the Hass avocado crops on about 1,600 hectares. This year, we plan to once again measure the carbon footprint generated by the fair, including the one generated by our visitors' trips to attend the fair, and we hope to offset it so we can continue being a carbon-neutral fair."
"It reflects Colombia's avocado sector's philosophy and our brand: "Avocados from Colombia, sustainability from the heart."
"Avocado has brought new opportunities to Zomac municipalities"
Colombia's strategic geographical location allows it to produce Hass avocados 52 weeks a year, "making the country a very reliable supplier", stated Katheryn Mejía. "Our location also gives our fruit other taste qualities. Our avocados contain a high dry matter and a great creaminess."
"In addition, we have the advantage of receiving 3,250 mm of water per year, well above the 900 mm world average. This means that 67% of our water footprint is green; that is, it comes from rainwater, which makes the crop in our country highly sustainable."
"Colombia produces Hass avocado in 230 municipalities in 15 departments," the director of Corpohass stated. "Colombia has a list of Zomac municipalities, which are the ones historically most affected by the violence that the country experienced for more than 50 years. And it should be noted that 65 of those 230 municipalities producing Hass avocado are part of these Zomac municipalities."
"Not only has Hass avocado production and export helped to the development of these municipalities, but they've also helped communities displaced by violence return."
Avocados from Colombia, the new country brand
"The sector created the Avocados from Colombia brand to further penetrate international markets, differentiate itself from other origins, highlight the quality of its production processes, and its contribution to the economic, environmental, and social well-being of the country. The 'Avocados from Colombia, sustainability from the heart' brand, inspired by harmony with nature and the Colombians' proud identity, will be officially launched at Territorio Aguacate.
Territorio Aguacate, November 27 and 28, 2024
Tropical agriculture has a great future but also faces important challenges. As such, the sector is constantly carrying out research. Territorio Aguacate will be the stage to learn about this research and analyze the tools available to meet the challenge of producing avocados in tropical climate regions.
"Territorio Aguacate will be the stage where experts, researchers, and actors in this agribusiness can discuss relevant issues. It's also a platform for Colombia's sector to showcase and share their knowledge in avocado cultivation and production."
"The fair will be held on November 27 and 28. It will end with a great party that we're organizing with ProColombia so that our visitors get to know our country's beauty. In addition, on November 26 and 29, we'll be holding Avotours, an event where visitors can visit plantations in different production to see how Colombian avocados are grown."
"Registrations are still open for visitors and sponsors, who can easily purchase their tickets on our website. We look forward to seeing you at the Latin American Avocado Hub."
For more information:
Territorio Aguacate
Tel: +57 320 871 3637