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Alexandre Cancel, Vergers Cancel

"This harvest of Chasselas de Moissac PDO should reach full potential"

The harvest of Chasselas de Moissac PDO grapes is shaping up well, with volumes "back to normal," according to Alexandre Cancel, president of Vergers Cancel. "Last year, we lost around 50% of the harvest due to mildew and high temperatures, which caused the grapes to shrivel. We had a lot of waste and a certain percentage of the crop was not harvested in the end. This year, we should reach 1,200 tons. Both sugar levels and quality are also good this year. If all goes well, we will be able to supply the market until the 1st of December at least."

The seedless market is growing
At the same time, Vergers Cancel has begun harvesting other grape varieties, such as the Danlas and Centennial, a seedless variety. "The market is clearly developing for seedless grapes. We planted them two years ago and will be harvesting the first volumes this year, which should reach around 20 tons. We have currently planted two white varieties, one pink and one black. Supermarkets and wholesalers are increasingly keen on seedless grapes.

Chasselas de Moissac, the first fresh fruit to be awarded a PDO
Although this traditional variety is struggling to keep up with the ever-expanding market for seedless grapes, the PDO status is a serious asset for the Chasselas de Moissac variety. "It is a sweet and very aromatic variety. It was introduced in the Middle Ages and is now emblematic of the region. It is known for being one of the best table grapes around. However, we feel that it has become more difficult to position the variety in the face of the growing seedless grape market. We have to fight harder, but some clients remain loyal to the Chasselas de Moissac. In fact, it was the first fresh fruit to be awarded PDO status in 1971, which is a major advantage for marketing.

For more information:
Alexandre Cancel
Vergers Cancel
1 rue de l'Occitanie
ZA Barres 82100 Castelsarrasin
Phone: 05 63 04 82 13
[email protected]

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