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El Secreto de mi Tierra

"Weather has played a crucial role in the success of the melon crop this season"

The Piel de Sapo melon season is in its final stretch, with a very positive balance for companies such as El Secreto de mi Tierra, which expects to surpass its initial production forecasts. "There's less than a month to go before the end of the season and the brand has already doubled the percentage of melons harvested this year. Weather has played a crucial role in the success of the crop this season."

"This year, the weather has favored us enormously. In Murcia, we had a hot summer but no extreme heat waves or storms that could affect the quality of the fruit. The balance of sun and humidity in Castilla-La Mancha was key to obtaining an exceptional harvest," stated José María Buendía Samper, head of crops at El Secreto de mi Tierra.

The company harvested 10,000 tons of melon this season, 43% more than in 2023. "This year there's been an increase in production and demand for El Secreto de mi Tierra's gourmet melon, reflecting the great work of our entire team and the customers' confidence in the quality of our product."

International forecast
El Secreto de mi Tierra will continue with its production in other countries once the season in Spain is over. "Once the Spanish season is over, we'll continue our exports from Brazil, where the brand maintains rigorous quality standards. The goal is to ensure that the Piel de Sapo melon meets the same requirements as on Spanish soil and the same quality criteria as in Spain to continue taking this gourmet melon to international markets."

For more information:
El Secreto de mi Tierra
Finca Lo Mazón, s/n C.P. 30590 La Tercia, Murcia
Tel.: +34 968 37 03 09

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