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Spanish tomato exports have fallen by 35.16% in the last decade

In the last decade, Spanish tomato exports have decreased year after year. At the same time, the income generated by these exports has increased almost constantly, according to a report by Hortoinfo prepared with data from Estacom (Icex-Tax Agency). However, in the 2023/2024 season, there was a change in this trend, with a reversal in the behavior of both values.

The main regular importers of Spanish tomatoes, including the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, and Germany, reduced their purchases between the 2014/2015 and 2023/2024 seasons. UK Spanish tomato imports decreased by 59.94%, French imports by 46.2%, Dutch imports by 42.86%, and German imports by 9.47%. However, the latter destination increased imports in the last season.

In total, Spanish tomato exports in this period decreased by 342.97 million kilos, i.e. -35.56%. In the 2023/2024 season, Spain exported 632.61 million kilos, 35.16% less volume than in the 2014/2015 season.

Despite the decrease in the volume exported, Spanish tomato exports generated more than 1,094 million euros in revenues in the 2023/2024 season, benefiting from an average export price of 1.73 euros per kilo. The UK paid the best price for Spanish tomato, with an average price of 2.29 euros per kilo, followed by Germany (1.87 euros per kilo), the Netherlands (1.69 euros per kilo), Poland (1.41 euros per kilo), and France (1.26 euros per kilo).

Germany has been the main market for Spanish tomatoes, with 205.48 million kilos worth 384.89 million euros. France and the Netherlands ranked second and third in terms of volume purchased. The United Kingdom stands out for the value paid for its imports. Poland is the fifth-largest importer of Spanish tomatoes.


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