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Coöperatie Hoogstraten opens doors to growers, employees and neighbors

"On the eve of our new future strategy it was nice to provide insight"

On Saturday 12 October, Coöperatie Hoogstraten opened its doors. "Not an open day, as people know it, but all people who are connected to our organization in one way or another - whether as a grower, employee, neighbor, or someone in their close circle. Thanks to them, we as a Cooperative are where we are today and look confidently to the future. The aim was really to show what goes on behind our walls. I think events like this are very valuable to give insights," says Leen Matthé of the Belgian fresh produce cooperation.

The week before, the VOKA Openbedrijvendag took place across Flanders. Reason for Coöperatie Hoogstraten to do it their way. "We participated in the Openbedrijvendag once about 20 years ago. Again the idea came up to put our organization in the spotlight, but now rather as a 'thank you' day to everyone who has a strong connection with the cooperative. Showing them how we have changed over the years and where we are today. In addition, we could show our neighbors what is happening in their backyard. In that context, I think it's even nicer that we welcomed close to 1,200 visitors. We initially hoped for around 800 visitors but were thus able to greatly exceed that. The lovely reactions afterward show that this was a successful day."

Tour of the premises
The day began in Hoogstraten around 1.30 pm. "In the afternoon, we opened the doors, after which people could start a tour of our premises. During this, they were given a booklet, which they could use to gather information and eventually win prizes. Two departments were also working especially for the occasion. Firstly, the punnet set-up department and secondly, the central sorting department. There, visitors could interact with the employees present about the work being done."

"At the punnet set-up department, for example, this was the use of the QR code. Does everyone know this principle? How does traceability work? But also: how does the automatic deployment of punnets work? So we noticed that not everyone had yet seen all the machines we use. It's nice that we could now exhibit all this," Leen explains. "In addition, peppers were effectively sorted at the central sorting area, where visitors were explained, among other things, why growers choose central sorting and what its advantages are. Moreover, information boards had been placed all over the tour. This took them about an hour and a half, but in the end, everyone could do it at their own pace."

Around this, the necessary animation was also provided. "Such as, for example, in the sales room, where a clock sale had been set up so that everyone could experience how this works. We also had a competition attached to this. Finally, it was possible to finish off in the tent outside with a snack, drink, and conviviality. Here we had also placed a large screen with images of Coöperatie Hoogstraten from 1933 to the present day."

Leen speaks of a successful day, but, she maintains, it will not become an annual event. "We will therefore definitely not do it every year. I think it would also lose its power then because you have to have something to showcase. If there are changes or new projects, it is very nice to show it, but this cannot be done every year. Incidentally, I do think events like this are very important to give insights into what goes on behind the doors of big organizations and to encourage appreciation for the sector. In the end, it was also satisfying when you see the pride among our employees and growers. We want to focus on that collectivity even more in the future."

For more information:
Coöperatie Hoogstraten
Loenhoutseweg 59
2320 Hoogstraten, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)3 340 02 11
[email protected]

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