The 47th week of 2024 has been marked by significant shifts in the EastFruit Trade Platform, a major Telegram-based regional hub for fruit and vegetable trading. The EastFruit team's analysis highlights key developments and price movements. Onion sales led the market, primarily due to a surge in listings from Ukraine, indicating its central role in the regional market. Additionally, Uzbekistan's cauliflower and broccoli saw increased sales, reflecting rising demand. Despite lower apple production in the region, persimmons were more frequently listed, alongside a rise in mandarin and clementine listings from five countries. Turkey's pomegranate listings increased, with Egyptian exporters raising prices, signaling growing European demand.
The platform maintained its listing volume, expanding its geographic diversity to 14 countries, including new participants from Azerbaijan, Romania, and Greece. Iran and Turkey significantly upped their listings, though Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Egypt saw declines, reshuffling the top five listing countries.
Price trends revealed widespread increases across the fruit segment, with grapes, oranges, lemons, and kiwis experiencing hikes. In Ukraine, "borsch set" vegetable prices stabilized due to imports, while tomatoes and greenhouse cucumbers saw price increases. A notable decrease in Greek potato stocks is expected to impact market dynamics. Technological advancements remained a focus, with Chinese scientists enhancing tomato sweetness through genetic modification.
The EastFruit Trade Platform's activities in the 47th week underscore its importance in reflecting and facilitating the evolving dynamics of the regional fruit and vegetable markets.
Source: East Fruit