Besides the turkey potatoes remain ever popular during Thanksgiving and into Christmas for American households. The industry in the biggest U.S. potato growing state of Idaho look forward to the holiday season. Ross Johnson, Vice President of Retail and International of the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC), says "Thanksgiving is always the biggest volume mover for Idaho potatoes as the holiday season brings families together."
The Idaho Potato Commission's Patrick Mills, Jamey Higham and Matt Zapczysnki at the IFPA 2024 Atlanta show held in October.
He says they are also focused on the retail purchases by consumers by making thousands of recipes available for people. Thanksgiving was later this year, leaving a few days less for the holiday shopping. "Everyone knows that Idaho potatoes are the consistent quality they expect when preparing their favourite potato dishes. Additionally, we have thousands of recipes for consumers to choose from on our website, when they are deciding what to prepare. This year the Thanksgiving holiday is much closer to Christmas so that may slow down our orders heading into the Christmas preparations for this year."
A winning U.S. retail display showcasing how to use a bag of Idaho potatoes for a week.
Johnson says they further expect that retailers will use potatoes to draw consumers into their stores. This presents Idaho potatoes another opportunity to increase sales. "We know that retailers will continue to focus on potatoes as the draw to bring people into their stores. Our messaging with retailers is to not get distracted by advertising some of their speciality packages or varieties. They need to advertise Russets and merchandise their set to allow consumers the ability to grab a specialty package along with their Russet purchase."
Idaho Potato Commission retail display in an Asian retailer.
Mexico and Southeast Asia demand growing
Demand for Idaho potatoes has been growing in Mexico as well as Southeast Asia says Johnson. "The Idaho Potato Commission is uniquely positioned to focus on developing international markets as well. The IPC currently executes marketing programs in Mexico, and Southeast Asia. Our international efforts are important to our Idaho suppliers. Mexico is great because we have been successful sending frozen, dehydrated, and fresh potatoes to help satisfy the demand for Idaho in their market. Additionally, in Southeast Asia we have seen success with our fresh potatoes as the demand continues to grow for Idaho," concludes Johnson.
For more information:
Ross Johnson
Idaho Potato Commission