Christmastime in Finland goes hand in hand with red apple consumption and increasingly exotic fruit too. According to Kaisa Malmberg, CEO of Greenfood-owned Satotukku, a leading fresh fruits and vegetables importer and wholesaler in Finland, "Red Delicious apples we sell well, only before Christmas and then the season is over in Finland!"
She says exotic fruits are also popular in Finland over Christmastime. "Also exotic fruits are often combined on joyful events before Christmas. On vegetables, we sell the traditional root vegetables related to Finnish Christmas dinner, carrots, beetroot, turnips, sweet potatoes, onion's and potatoes. We prepare different dishes, mostly casseroles on these root vegetables."
In Finland, other traditional festive season treats have become expensive, but fresh produce still offers good value to consumers with prices in line with last year. "Overall food is more expensive than before, especially coffee and chocolate. Fruits and vegetables are more or less on the same level as last year, some even a little less," states Malmberg.
Satotukku has been in the Finnish market for 57 years. They offer a wide assortment of fruits, and vegetables to retailers, wholesalers, and E-commerce customers. They import fresh produce from all over the world. Bananas have the biggest volumes, followed by tomatoes, cucumbers, oranges small citrus, apples, lettuce, and grapes.
As a country Finland is known for the freezing cold weather, which drives up the consumption of citrus fruit, which is what they are looking forward to supplying says Malmberg. She also says the TikTok trends can do with some young influencers showcasing the health and other benefits of fresh fruit and vegetables too. "I wish there were some fresh fruit and vegetable influencers hyping these wonderful seasonal natural treats, which do all the good for you, but also for the planet. We are looking forward to the snow and freezing temperatures!" concludes Malmberg.
For more information:
Kaisa Malmberg
Tel: +358 10 581 6041