In Ukraine, carrot prices have been on an upward trajectory for several weeks, as reported by EastFruit project analysts. The escalation in prices is linked to the depletion of quality carrot stocks by local producers, which was influenced by unfavorable weather conditions impacting the 2024 harvest.
Prices currently range from 25-32 UAH/kg ($0.59-0.76/kg), marking an average increase of 10% from the previous week. This rise is attributed to consistent demand for high-quality carrots, while the market faces a reduction in supply. Several producers have concluded their sales season, with a few opting to retain their remaining stock in anticipation of higher prices towards spring.
The current price point, which is 2.3 times higher than at the start of January 2024, reflects the diminished carrot yield this season, a consequence of summer weather anomalies.
Source: East Fruit