In2Value has implemented electronic shelf labels (ESLs) at De Mooij Amsterdam. "These digital price tags display the price like a normal price tag, but they are now controlled directly from the in-house back office and displayed on electronic paper," said Johan van Arkel of In2Value.
For customers buying on-site from the wholesaler in Amsterdam, prices were written on the ground with chalk for many years. "However, pricing items became increasingly labor-intensive and time-consuming. Our range has expanded considerably in recent years, and we were spending up to an hour and a half every day pricing the complete range," says Danny de Mooij. The installation of the digital price cards is part of a major automation project that De Mooij Amsterdam has been undergoing for the past two years. "For us, implementing the ESL price tags is a relatively small 'add-on' to the overall process, but a very valuable one," he says.
"To work efficiently and quickly, the ESLs communicate with the warehouse management system (WMS). When a pallet is (re)placed, the price and product name are automatically updated on the ESL, which hangs above that pallet location. This direct connection to the ERP system also ensures that any changes to the price list are immediately implemented at the correct pallet location. This link ensures maximum efficiency and time savings. Meanwhile, we are already busy automating the next processes," says De Mooij.
In2Value supplied the electronic shelf labels from the Pricer brand, one of the world market leaders in ESL technology. "The technology, battery life, and response times of these ESLs are unique. As In2Value, we provide the entire IT infrastructure, the corresponding mounting materials, and the necessary service," says Johan van Arkel. He notes that the project at De Mooij Amsterdam is a great example of what can be achieved with ESL. "De Mooij opted for a larger version of the price tag to provide customers with extra product information in addition to the price. All in all, a very nice and representative project."
Van Arkel adds that digital price tags are also highly beneficial for greengrocers. "The tags are fully synchronized with the back office. Differences between the till and the shop are now a thing of the past. Any (price) changes can be made with just a few mouse clicks. Additionally, the country of origin and any allergens (for processed products) are always up to date. The digital price tags can also be fully customized to match the shop's branding. Add a logo or a specific font, and you have a seamless integration of the digital price card into the shop!"
For more information:
De Mooij Amsterdam
Tel: +31 020 606 3000
[email protected]
In2Value B.V.
Tel.: +31 030 609 4111
[email protected]