Egypt's grape exports to Germany have achieved a new milestone in 2024, with exporters delivering a record 26.5 thousand tons valued at $739 million to the German market, as reported by EastFruit. This volume represents a nearly 30% increase over 2023 figures and more than a doubling from 2022, marking a significant growth trajectory in Egyptian grape exports to this destination.
The export window for Egyptian grapes to Germany extended from May to August, with July emerging as the critical month, contributing 12.2 thousand tons to the total 2024 shipments. Germany's import market for grapes, historically dominated by Italy, South Africa, and India, has seen a growing share from Egypt. From a less than 4% share in 2019, Egypt's contribution rose to over 5% in 2023 and exceeded 8% in the initial ten months of 2024. Despite the conclusion of Egypt's grape export season and pending data for the last two months, projections indicate Egypt will sustain its top-five supplier status to the German market by year-end, mirroring its previous season's performance.
In terms of Egypt's overall grape export structure, the German market accounts for about 20% of its exports, trailing behind the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. This growth underscores Egypt's expanding footprint in the European Union's grape import market, including increased shipments to the Netherlands, Finland, and Ireland, among others.
Source: East Fruit