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Potato Market Report 29th January:

Stable potato prices as U.K. demand improves, processing prices rise in Belgium and Netherlands

Retail demand and home consumption remain stable and continue to improve as January comes to an end. Volumes have been slower to shift this month, but this is typical for this time of the year and given the fact that there was no overhang of potatoes coming into this season, supply and demand should balance out. Prices are stable and should hold for the season.

In the U.K. it is reported that demand "may be slightly better" but volumes have not yet picked up to pre-Christmas levels. Values are being maintained while buyers focus on best quality branded samples on repeat orders. Physical prices in the processing sector have moved higher, particularly in Belgium but also in the Netherlands. In the fresh sectors, prices are stable/firm. More fridge stores are being opened in Germany which is "sooner than in a normal season".

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