As long as the weather remains cold and dark, the demand for ground chicory continues. This is what Herman Lion of Lathouwers & Co. tells us. "At first, growers had to search for good yields, but now things are looking positive. We have a steady supply and can meet demand. This demand always picks up in the week before Christmas and lasts through this period. We can be satisfied with that."
However, the trader from the Wolvertem-based wholesale company notices a significant difference between retail and auction prices. "In retail, prices remain high," Herman explains. "Growers often assume that we receive the same prices as retail, but that's not the case. Auction prices are currently on the low side. This is frustrating for both growers and traders. When you see that chicory is selling in retail for 13 to 14 euros per kilo but is auctioned for much less, the difference is huge. That can also deter potential consumers."
Whether it is difficult to compete with hydroponic chicory is something Herman is unsure about. "At the moment, hydroponic chicory prices are also very low. There are plenty of roots in storage, and growers receive very little concerning their costs. However, ground and hydroponic chicory are two completely different products. You can taste the difference in real ground chicory. They are almost like two separate categories, and consumers deliberately choose between them. For festive meals or special occasions, people traditionally buy ground chicory. If you're cutting chicory into a salad in May or June, you're more likely to choose hydroponic chicory. People don't use ground chicory for that because it's too expensive."
Consumer interest remains strong, and last week the Week of Chicory was organized again to promote this iconic Flemish product. "We have no complaints about the event," he continues. Lathouwers & Co supplies chicory both under private labels and its own brand, Deli'Dor. "We even launched a promotion with Lathouwers, allowing our customers to order both ground and hydroponic chicory at a discount, and it was well received. Ultimately, we hope our customers pass these savings on to consumers. The real issue is succession. Many growers are reaching an older age and struggle to find successors to continue their craft. Chicory is a Flemish gem that shouldn't disappear. That's another reason we organized this promotion—to put our growers in the spotlight and help secure their future. We hope this product will continue to receive the attention it deserves in the coming years."
For more information:
Herman Lion
Lathouwers en Co.
Veilinglaan 39
1861 Wolvertem (Meise), Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)52 39 79 00