In cooperation with Chilean fruit exporter Nicofrut, Silvia Piezzi of Cesil has been exporting Chilean apples to the European market for years. The varieties available are Royal Gala, Gala, Granny, Fuji, and Cripps Pink.
"In general, we expect less fruit this year. The calibres are slightly larger this year, but still focused on sizes 100 to 135. For the Royal Gala, there is a drop in volume this season. Grannies are also fewer this year and prices will be quite high, as demand will outstrip supply."
The apple season in Chile lasts until September. "Demand is concentrated in South America, India, and the Middle East. In Europe, demand is not so high. How demand develops in Europe depends mainly on stock volumes in Europe and generally rising costs," Piezzi says.
The exporter Juan Pedro Vercellino – the owner of the Nicofrut brand – adds that he has been working with Cesil for years. "Silvia and I have a relationship that is more than just business. We are good friends. Cesil is the only company in the Netherlands that receives our fruit. Sometimes – depending on the market situation – she even warns me herself: 'It's better not to load because we're going to lose money'."
"Let's hope we have good demand for our apples this year. I trust this will be the case. The color of the Royal Gala is much redder than in previous years because of the great heat we've had, and fortunately, we haven't had the intense rainfall like last year."
For more information:
Silvia Piezzi
Cesil B.V.
Gebroken Meeldijk 66
2991 VD Barendrecht
Mob: +54 9 261 4700328