The 23/24 financial year for Spain's berry sector experienced a contraction in strawberry and raspberry supply. This was due to reduced acreage, stemming from uncertainty about irrigation water availability. The total production decreased by 3.4% from the previous season, amounting to 371,713 tons. However, blueberry production saw a 5.5% increase.
The Top 15 Berries of 2025 report highlights these shifts. Only three entities—Cuna de Platero, Algaida, and Berryworld Iberia—reported increased volumes. Five companies, including Onubafruit and Surexport, maintained their volumes. Four, such as Fresón de Palos and Fruta de Andalucía, experienced declines.
Globally, a 20% production drop from one Top 15 report to the next is noted. This is attributed not only to reduced production but also to the absence of major producers Arofa and Grufesa, who did not provide figures this year. Frutas Esther also did not report, though their production was smaller at 4,500 tons in the 2024 report.
New entrants like Berrynest have entered the Top 15, while Perla Huelva and Tasemar hold the last positions. The impact of this season's abundant rainfall on future production remains to be seen.
This data reflects the information provided by contacted companies. Non-listed entities either did not respond or chose not to participate.
Source: Blueberries Consulting