The Kerala state government has permitted the Vegetable and Fruit Promotion Council Keralam (VFPCK) to take the measures necessary for exporting Nendran bananas to the EU. The project, which aims to find global market for the banana variety, will be implemented under National Centre for Banana Research.
According to reports, VFPCK plans to export 10 tons of Nendran banana to the UK in the next year. Nendran bananas will be cultivated at selected places as per the agriculture export policy. The agriculture department will then bear the expenditure for the cultivation in the first phase of the project.
Growerss from Mattathur -Thrissur district- are selected to cultivate the bananas. They began the cultivation in June and are cultivating bananas as per the directions of VFPCK and Banana Research Centre, assuring the quality of the produce. reports how the VFPCK said that the farmers have adopted farming methods as per the food safety standards in Europe. These rules will be followed in processing and exporting of banana. With this project, the VFPCK aims to find market for Kerala’s Nendran bananas in Europe.