On Monday, Carrefour launched a new line of products with blockchain technology: citrus fruit. From now on the Pera, Bahia, lime and tangerine oranges with the Sabor & Qualidade seal sold in stores in the state of São Paulo can be tracked with this tool at any stage of their life cycle.
The QR Code on the packaging gives customers access to a greater amount of more accurate, unchangeable and transparent information about the production and transportation of the product, including its origin, harvest, collection date, processing in the packing house and arrival on the shelves.
In Brazil, Carrefour is pioneering the use of blockchain in the food chain, a strategy in line with the company's aim of educating the consumer in healthier, more sustainable diets, also in keeping with the company's global Act For Food movement. "This technology provides a differentiated delivery to consumers, who can choose the food they take home responsibly by opting for products whose history can be known and promoted," says Lucio Vicente, Head of Sustainability at Carrefour Group Brazil, who goes on to say that, "The information provided by the QR Code ensures that production is monitored by the company and that the products offer high value-added."
The first product line launched by the company with this technology, which is part of the FoodTrust platform in partnership with IBM and is an improvement over traditional traceability processes used in the market thanks to the wealth of information and reliability, was Sabor & Qualidade pork in April 2019.
In this case, the blockchain also affords access to information on breeding and veterinary control, animal feed, transport to the slaughterhouse and butchery, slaughter and quality control. By the end of 2021, the use of the blockchain is to be extended to other chains of the Sabor & Qualidade seal.
For more information: grupocarrefourbrasil.com.br