CHP Niğde Deputy Ömer Fethi Gürer announced that potato cancer, which came to Turkey via foreign seeds, has invaded agricultural lands. A quarantine has been implemented in 26 provinces of the nation. Stating that potatoes could not be planted for 28 years in the lands infected by the disease, Gürer stated that a potato crisis is imminent.
According to, Gürer said that the disease came from Turkey with imported seeds. He underlined that quarantine was implemented in 26 provinces, but it was not disclosed which provinces were under quarantine.
Gürer said that in some provinces, cultivation has decreased significantly due to potato wart disease. At least 20 years of quarantine is applied in the soil where potato cancer is found, and no crops are grown except forage crops.
According to the activity report of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, no compensation payments were made in 2021 to settle the claims of potato producers, affected by quarantine due to potato wart.
Gürer: "Potato wart disease, which is found in 25 provinces in our country, is a type of fungus and causes warts similar to cauliflower on the stem and stem of the plant. People also refer to it as potato cancer. It can be transported with the soil, so it can be transferred to other areas and the fungus that causes the disease can stay dormant for 38 years."