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Costa Rican banana producers warn of impact of country's exchange rate volatility could have on the sector

Costa Rican banana growers have formally requested the Central Bank (BCCR) to intervene in the face of the volatility that the dollar exchange rate is experiencing because, according to them, it could cause an imminent closure of farms and the loss of jobs.

In a statement, the national banana sector ratified "its support for the business sector in its concern for the appreciation of the colón, as there is a lot of uncertainty that the depreciation of Costa Rica's currency could put at risk the future of thousands of jobs, the maintenance of thousands of homes, and the competitiveness of a country that has built a business sector with the effort, work, and dedication of thousands of Costa Ricans."

“We urge the central bank to urgently implement mechanisms that manage to avoid the exchange rate volatility and speculation that is currently prevailing in the country.”

“The banana industry reminds the BCCR that a country with a stable and non-speculative economy is a country that can maintain and generate sources of employment, which help generate and maintain social peace. If the exchange rate continues its erratic behavior, it would impact the banana sector so hard that producers would be forced to close their farms, which directly and indirectly employ thousands of workers and benefit thousands of Costa Ricans in an area where 80% of the economy depends on the banana activity."


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