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1147 tons of sub-quarantine products were exported to Kemerovo region from Kyrgyzstan

During the first seven months of 2023, the officials of the Rosselkhoznadzor in the Kemerovo region, also known as Kuzbass, inspected 8176.9 tons of berries and vegetables.

The import of sub-quarantine products in Kuzbass in 2023 has decreased by 5% compared to the same period in 2022.

The main sub-quarantine products were imported from the Republic of Kazakhstan, amounting to 6123.9 tons. The main assortment includes tomatoes (1165.9 tons), watermelons (1126.6 tons), apples (690.8 tons), onions (724.9 tons), cucumbers (580.5 tons), cabbage (455.87 tons), carrots (455.5 tons), and melons (370.5 tons).

From Kyrgyzstan, 1147.2 tons of sub-quarantine products were exported to the Kemerovo region, mainly onions, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, apricots, fresh berries, and dried nuts.

During the past period, 437 phytosanitary quarantine control certificates were issued for the sub-quarantine products. No quarantine objects were detected during the inspections and quarantine phytosanitary controls of the imported sub-quarantine products.


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