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Carles Peris, general secretary of La Unió: "In this year of lower volumes, it will be even more important to get the most out of the fruit"

"Extra early citrus won't benefit from them, but these rains will help improve the size of the next varieties"

The long-awaited rainfall has arrived to the fields of the Region of Valencia, although in the form of a DANA (upper-level isolated depression) which, according to Carles Peris, general secretary of La Unió Llauradora i Ramadera, has been quite uneven within the region.

"There are areas which have recorded between 20 and 25 liters of rainfall per square meter, while others have reached up to 200 liters per square meter. In some areas, a greater amount of water has fallen in a shorter time and caused problems. Such is the case of the Baix Maestrat, which reported damage to infrastructure and some flooding in areas near rivers and ravines. However, in general, these rains will have a positive impact for the fruit and vegetable sector."

"We have just had a very long period of drought and the rain is going to be very beneficial both for rainfed crops, such as olive groves, nuts or vines, which really needed water, and for irrigated crops like vegetables, kakis or citrus fruits. In addition to aquifers being refilled, this will allow all growers to save on energy costs during the period in which we won't need to irrigate."

"Citrus fruits in particular are going to benefit in terms of caliber," said Carles. "We cannot forget that we have a campaign ahead of us in which the production volume is going to drop. In the Region of Valencia, it will fall below 3 million tons, and in Spain, below 6 million. Also, the drought was causing the calibers to be smaller. We were already seeing this in the extra-early varieties, which, in general, usually struggle to reach an optimum size, but this year it has become even harder."

Sando clementine variety in the municipality of Les Alqueries, in the Plana Baixa region

"Therefore, although the rains won't be beneficial for this season's extra-early varieties, which will arrive between 15 and 20 September with the Satsuma, Clemenrubí, Orogrós or Basol, the mid and late season oranges and clementines, which will be available from November / December, should grow to better sizes."

"Undoubtedly, having good-sized fruit is essential for its marketing, and in this year of lower volumes, it will be even more important to get the most out of the fruit that we will have available."

For more information:
La Unió Llauradora i Ramadera
Tel.: +34 963 530 036
[email protected]

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