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Costa Rican bananas, again at Fruit Attraction

In 2022, Costa Rica exported more than 2.2 million tons of bananas, 58.7% to Europe

The National Banana Corporation of Costa Rica (CORBANA) and, with it, Costa Rica's entire banana sector, will again be exhibiting at Fruit Attraction, the largest international event for the fruit and vegetable sector. The 15th edition of this fair, organized by IFEMA and FEDEX, will be held from 3 to 5 October in Madrid. Within the framework of the fair, CORBANA, a private-public entity that acts as the official promoter and regulator of this national product, seeks to promote knowledge of every aspect of Costa Rican bananas, especially as regards sustainability, and share its vision on the challenges that the banana industry as a whole is facing.

Costa Rica is one of the five largest banana exporters in the world. In 2022, the country exported some 124 million boxes of bananas (about 18.14 kilos each), or about 2.2 million tons. The country exports bananas to 35 countries, with the United States (30.1%) and Europe (58.7%) as the main destination markets. The European region includes the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain (accounting for 6.7% of exports to the region), Belgium, Portugal and Finland. In the first half of 2023, worldwide exports are expected to reach 65 million boxes.

Thanks to CORBANA's initiatives, Costa Rica has become a big player in the world banana industry. The country has successfully set up the first fully sustainable banana-producing ecosystem, while contributing also to research and knowledge. The fact is that while bananas are perceived as a ubiquitous and inexhaustible fruit, they are actually exposed to severe threats, such as climate change, disease and price fluctuations on the international market.

Within the framework of Fruit Attraction 2023, professionals will have the opportunity to learn first-hand about the results of the environmental and social efforts made by the national banana sector and CORBANA, such as the fact that 100% of banana farms have at least one certification -such as ISO14001, Global GAP or Rainforest Alliance- and that almost 70% of the banana acreage is already recognized as C-Neutral, with the goal of reaching 100% as soon as possible. Also, 100% of the packing plants have implemented water recirculation programs, thanks to which they manage to recycle up to 90% of the water used to wash the fruit, and comply with waste management and recycling protocols. Socially, the community enjoys competitive wages and has access to educational programs for families, among other aspects.

Costa Rican bananas will have their own section within the official stand of Costa Rica, at number 4D18, Hall 4.

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